
Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012

come on...i'm not like this..hahaha

What the hell are you? Every second i suffer this unknowable sorrow. What should i do? did you feel that?huh? haha.. It just feeling buried inside me, fires out from heart. you know what? i just need you. here i am. holding an unpredictable hope called love. so don't avoid me, please. coz it's driving me crazy. i still wait, for the answer to be shown. the answer for a question i never asked.
hopeless come to follow. but no problem, i'll face it through until the end.

is this a punishment? an equitable feel you have accepted before? a punishment of offending you? suffering? suffocating your heart to the cruel sorrow? its ok, i'll live it sincerely. cause its my fault haha
and now, maybe distance enforce us apart, but my faithful will never gone jahaha..
and my love is gonna be the same since the first time i saw u :D

opo iki --" haha banyak salah..

Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012

ahahay... udah lama banget..mungkin terlalu lama gw uda ga nulis ini...hahaha

gw cuma mau berbagi buat daftar lagu gw ahahaha...
gw lagi suka ama boys lie girls haha juga yellowcard..(kao ntar ada waktu silakan download sendiri ahaha)
trus inijuga nge-post dadakan...jadi  lagi buat lagu...judulnya...ada usul? blom buat judulnya..haha
maunya si a biolanya juga...makana gw bekerjasama dengan eseorang hahah.. doain aja..
gw cuma ngepost segini..enapa..males haha